
Changelog: our latest product updates. Ideas: add requests or vote on existing ones. Roadmap: what we're working on (or will be soon).

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Disable automated assets
Google tends to add new automated assets, for which accounts are opted in by default. Since they hide the status (enabled/disabled) pretty well, it would be great if TrueClicks would help flag these.
Track the number of products on landing pages
Under review
For Search, it would be great to have a functionality that can crawl the website and show how many products are live on a landing page. If there are too few products on a category landing page, we...
Scan landing pages for unwanted content
Under review
Some landing pages don't return a 404 status code (because we already check for those), but they contain words like out of stock, making it a bad user experience and a waste of ad spend.We'll let you...
Product groups dropping to 0 impressions
Under review
For included (enabled) product groups (so in Standard Shopping) that recently had a decent amount of daily impressions, TrueClicks will warn you if their impressions suddenly drop to 0.With this...
Recognizing customizer attributes active in a campaign
Under review
I have gotten notifications about ad groups without any active ads in a number of my campaigns. When I check, the RSA's are paused due to a rule where I have customizer ads live in other ad groups as...
Alert for missing budgets in Google Ads
Under review
For accounts that usually have a budget set in Google Ads, TrueClicks would warn you when the current budget period is almost over, and there's no budget created for the next period, which will cause...
Check for broad match campaign setting
Under review
If you create a new search campaign, the new default setting (since July 2024) is that all keywords will behave as broad match keywords.This new optional check would warn you about campaigns that...
Include tracking templates when checking URLs
Under review
Right now, TrueClicks checks the Final URLs (from ads, keywords and assets) "as is" and ignores a potential tracking template set at the account or campaign level. To make sure these...
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Changelog Ideas Roadmap