
Changelog: our latest product updates. Ideas: add requests or vote on existing ones. Roadmap: what we're working on (or will be soon).

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Products not showing in Shopping campaigns
In progress
E.g. if the feed contains 1,000 products but only 500 are shown in the Shopping campaigns, TrueClicks could warn you about this and tell you which products haven't been visible on shopping recently.
Slack integration
In progress
Send TrueClicks alerts en digests to a specific Slack channel instead of (or next to) email notification with a native Slack integration.
Quality Score insights and alerts
The insights part will show you:
  • How the impression-weighted account-level Quality Score progressed over time. We'll separate branded from generic keywords (if you told us the brand name).
  • An...
Find the profit-maximizing target ROAS or CPA
In progress
If you're using target CPA or target ROAS smart bidding strategies, Google provides interesting simulations like the one below: However, those simulations are missing a couple of key...
Track findings, improvements and impact since using TrueClicks
Overall functionality
We'll offer two separate reports/pages in the admin part of TrueClicks highlighting the following for all your linked accounts:TrueClicks findings and improvements.This is the list TrueClicks can...
Spell check: select words to whitelist (instead of copying/typing)
For the spelling, style, and grammar checker, it would be great to be able to select flagged words from the output table and add them to the whitelist directly, instead of having to copy (or type)...
Disable automated assets
Google tends to add new automated assets, for which accounts are opted in by default. Since they hide the status (enabled/disabled) pretty well, it would be great if TrueClicks would help flag these.
Automate finding underperforming products (Shopping)
Under review
With this auto-apply task, you can create performance-based rules for shopping products (based on the last 90 days), so that any product that matches these rules gets flagged (preview) or automatically...
Track the number of products on landing pages
Under review
For Search, it would be great to have a functionality that can crawl the website and show how many products are live on a landing page. If there are too few products on a category landing page, we...
Integration with task/project management tools
Under review
To be able to push TrueClicks recommendations to tools like Asana, Basecamp, Monday, Teamwork, Trello, etc.
We are ⚡by Beamer
Changelog Ideas Roadmap