
Changelog: our latest product updates. Ideas: add requests or vote on existing ones. Roadmap: what we're working on (or will be soon).

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Quality Score insights and alerts
The insights part will show you:
  • How the impression-weighted account-level Quality Score progressed over time. We'll separate branded from generic keywords (if you told us the brand name).
  • An...
Find the profit-maximizing target ROAS or CPA
In progress
If you're using target CPA or target ROAS smart bidding strategies, Google provides interesting simulations like the one below: However, those simulations are missing a couple of key...
Spell check: select words to whitelist (instead of copying/typing)
For the spelling, style, and grammar checker, it would be great to be able to select flagged words from the output table and add them to the whitelist directly, instead of having to copy (or type)...
Support for complex campaign filters (target monitoring, perfmon, auto-apply)
Up next
For example, when creating a new budget pacer, you can only select one campaign type per budget. I'd like the option to define complex campaign filters, such as selecting several campaign types or...
Check if all products are "Ready to serve"
Under review
Based on Google Ads' product diagnostics, we'll alert you about products that are:
  • Ready to serve (limited)
  • Not ready to serve
  • Inactive
  • Disapproved
Targeting Setting Change in RLSA Audiences
Under review
A flag that appears when audience settings change in RLSA ad groups - could even go further and notify users when audiences are removed accidentally
Declining first-party audiences
Under review
This monitoring check would warn you when your remarketing, customer match, and similar users lists are declining in size, which could indicate a tracking issue.
Keyword match type cost allocation
Under review
This insight will show you the spend distribution between broad, phrase and exact match keywords.
Performance Max channel distribution insights
Under review
This insight will show you how your cost, clicks, conversions and conv. value is allocated within your Pmax campaigns across:
  • Shopping
  • Video
  • Display
  • Other
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Changelog Ideas Roadmap